11 07, 2017

Natter Cast Podcast

By |2017-07-14T16:43:14+00:00July 11th, 2017|Books, News|

In June, I had the privilege to record a podcast with Natter Cast about my book, Why You Better Call Saul, and the show's growing popularity and success on AMC. To listen to the whole interview, click on the audio down below. To learn more about Natter Cast, visit their website here.

10 04, 2017


By |2017-04-10T19:28:30+00:00April 10th, 2017|Books|

Hi there! Thank you for dropping by my website for a visit. I hope you stay a while and enjoy reading about my various publications and looking through some of the pictures that detail the fun experiences and great people I have met because of my writing. I hope to inspire readers to look beyond their normal day interactions with popular culture and enjoy learning more about the world around us through the messages in TV and film. My newest book, Why You Better Call Saul, tackles the thorny legal and philosophical issues that Saul encounters— from client confidentiality to advertising rules to which attorneys are bound. If you are interested in learning more, be sure to check out the [...]

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